6 Best Practices for Onboarding New Employees

June 28, 2024
Skills Caravan
Learning Experience Platform
June 28, 2024
, updated  
June 28, 2024

6 Best Practices for Onboarding New Employees

Employee onboarding is an essential first step in integrating a new hire into the organization . The majority of HR professionals and organizations aim to create an efficient onboarding process.

It's exciting to welcome new employees to your organization. To ensure their smooth integration into the business, an efficient employee onboarding procedure must be in place. You can create the circumstances for sustained employee engagement and productivity—which will eventually increase retention and lower turnover by putting best practices for onboarding new employees into practice.

Best Practices for Onboarding New Employees

1. Choose the appropriate employee onboarding software

Using employee onboarding software within the company is the first step towards implementing one of the best onboarding practices. Organizations and HR specialists might benefit from some digital onboarding solutions, with the sudden shift to entirely remote working.

  • Use workflows to automate the entire onboarding process.
  • Save numerous hours on tedious work.
  • Assign new hires training and educational resources.
  • Monitor the process of onboarding for newly hired employees.
  • Supply business details around-the-clock
  • Integrate new employees considerably more quickly.
  • Make the onboarding process interesting.

2. Create a Systematic Onboarding Strategy

New employees at your organization may find it disturbing if you don't have a plan. Creating a comprehensive onboarding process guarantees good engagement and consistency. An effective internal communication plan helps to attain some of this involvement.

Developing a comprehensive timetable that includes training sessions, stakeholder and team introductions, and chances for the newly hired employee to become familiar with company policies, practices, and values is a smart idea. To provide a seamless onboarding process, you should offer all required resources, including manuals and training materials.

3. Provide employees chances to interact with other teammates

Employee satisfaction is influenced by social contacts at work. However, striking up a conversation on the fly of the moment with colleagues might be scary for newly hired employees. Since they don't run into each other during lunch or a coffee break, onboarding remote workers may experience even greater difficulties with this. Therefore, provide new employees lots of chances and encouragement to interact with their teammates and develop a sense of belonging within your organization.

Notify co-workers of a new hire's arrival and urge them to extend a warm welcome. Mention the new hire's job experience, hometown, and project(s) in your email or Slack announcement so that colleagues can write a fitting welcome remark.

Throughout the onboarding process, encourage onboarding colleagues to introduce prospective employees to other team members. For example, one of the duties of an onboarding buddy at Percolate is to show the new worker around the office so they can get to know everyone. Give onboarding colleagues the task of introducing newly hired employees to coworkers who share interests or career paths in larger organizations.

4. Provide Clear Role Expectations

From the very beginning, make sure the new employee understands the expectations for their work. Define critical performance indicators and establish clear, quantifiable targets. A sense of direction and purpose is created when an employee's responsibilities are in line with the goals of the organization. To guarantee ongoing advancement and development, evaluate results frequently and offer helpful criticism.

5. Assign a mentor

Through a mentorship program, employees can "buddy up" or mentor newly hired employees while they learn the ropes. These mentors are available to give them a tour of the workplace, respond to frequently asked questions, help them adjust to their new schedules, and familiarize them with their new positions.

For employee onboarding, mentors are excellent since they:

  • Establish the initial rapport with newly recruited team members.
  • Respond to frequent inquiries regarding the department, function, and business.
  • Put work-related policies and procedures in context.
  • Engage newly hired personnel in interdepartmental correspondence.

New employees can look to their mentor as a familiar face to help them integrate into the workplace. They also serve as a go-between so that queries are answered without having to go via HR or higher-level management.

6. Get Feedback

Asking for feedback is one of the best practices for onboarding new hires, yet it's so easy that many rarely use it. When it comes to measuring, modification, and implementing the onboarding process, new hires are a resource. Plan a few questionnaires to be sent on a regular basis to the email address of your new hire. A grading scale and remarks can help you see the big picture and give new employees a sense of being heard. 

Boost learning and faster employee growth using our AI-powered LXP!

Employ a collaborative learning platform to scale up onboarding training

Employees receive both general and role-specific onboarding training to enable them to make the greatest impact during their initial weeks and months on the job. However, scalable training is the only method for a developing business to keep up with its goals and objectives.

Scalable training implies that learning and development (L&D) teams shouldn't have to invest a lot of time in developing training materials, maintaining courses, and getting learner feedback. In addition, learners ought to discover it is simple to locate training materials, offer recommendations for bettering courses, and obtain training while doing their jobs.

Employee onboarding classes, learner feedback collection, and in-app learning are all made simple with a Collaborative Learning platform such as Skills Caravan. Book a demo to see how it works.



A: Employee onboarding refers to the process of integrating new employees into an organization, acquainting them with the company's culture, policies, procedures, and job responsibilities.

A: Effective onboarding enhances employee retention, job satisfaction, and productivity, while also cultivating a positive organizational culture.

A: The duration of the onboarding process varies based on the complexity of the role and the organization's requirements, ranging from a few days to several months.

A: Onboarding is a collaborative endeavor involving HR, managers, team members, and other relevant stakeholders. Although HR typically spearheads the process, managers play a pivotal role in delivering job-specific training and support.

A: An onboarding plan should encompass elements such as orientation sessions, job training, introductions to colleagues, provision of necessary equipment, and access to essential resources.

A: Companies can ensure a smooth onboarding experience for remote employees by establishing transparent communication channels, conducting virtual training sessions, providing access to collaboration tools, and maintaining regular check-ins with managers.

A: Technology optimizes the onboarding process by automating administrative tasks, delivering online training modules, facilitating communication, and monitoring progress.

A: Organizations can gauge the effectiveness of their onboarding initiatives through metrics such as employee retention rates, time to productivity, satisfaction surveys, and feedback from managers and new hires.

A: Common challenges in employee onboarding include information overload, ambiguity regarding job roles, cultural disparities, and inadequate support from managers.

A: Best practices for onboarding remote employees include establishing clear lines of communication, providing access to remote tools and technology, scheduling virtual meetings and training sessions, and fostering a sense of belonging through virtual team-building activities.