LXP vs. LMS: What are the key differences?

LXP vs. LMS: What are the key differences?

In the modern world, HR managers face the challenge of engaging and training remote employees effectively. The choice between LMS and LXP software is crucial for nurturing employee development. For many years, organizations could only conduct training and educational programs using an LMS. With the recent emphasis on employee experience, HR now has an additional option: an LXP.

Both platforms facilitate workplace learning, yet they differ significantly in their methods. Deciding between LMS and LXP depends on your organization's unique needs and goals. So, which should your organization choose?

What is an LXP?

A learning experience platform (LXP) provides the resources required to create employee-driven, individualized learning experiences. With an LXP, organizations may create specific educational pathways for each employee, giving them greater flexibility. Learners can choose the content they want to consume or the skills they want to acquire.

  • LXP emphasizes learner engagement and personalized learning paths.
  • It offers a user-centric approach to learning, putting the learner's needs and preferences at the forefront.
  • AI-driven recommendations help users discover relevant and engaging content tailored to their interests.

What is an LMS?

A learning management system (LMS) is a kind of software or system used to create, manage, track, and distribute educational content. An LMS strives to improve an organization's learning practices by making it easier and less expensive to conduct training courses.

  • LMS focuses on course management and tracking learner progress.
  • It provides tools for organizing and administering training courses efficiently.
  • Tracking and reporting capabilities enable organizations to monitor learner progress and assess training effectiveness.

7 key differentiators between LXP & LMS

For HR managers, it's crucial to understand the distinctions between LMS and LXP platforms. While LMS prioritizes administrative tasks in learning, LXP fosters personalized learning experiences. LMS typically prescribes training courses, whereas LXP empowers learners to choose their content and timing. LMS training often focuses on compliance, while LXP offers tailored, personalized learning content. Assess your organization's needs to determine if you require an LMS, LXP, or a combination of both for comprehensive learning solutions.

1. Key Players

In any organization, the key players in driving learning experiences are the drivers, those who set goals and manage what employees learn.LMSs empower management to take the lead. Whether it's HR, L&D, or leadership, utilizing an LMS puts them in control of employees' learning paths. They curate courses, oversee content, and approve user-generated posts. Employees typically lack autonomy in their learning journey, as they must complete assigned courses. This makes LMSs effective for mandatory compliance training.

Conversely, LXPs foster a collaborative learning environment. While HR and management still play a role, everyone contributes and shares educational content.For instance, a sales manager using an LXP can develop tailored courses to enhance conversion rates. LXPs provide authoring tools for customized training and links to supplementary online resources like blogs and podcasts.LMSs push content onto employees, while LXPs pull them into continuous learning with personalized material.While LMSs ensure consistency, crucial for onboarding and compliance, LXPs boost engagement and enthusiasm for learning, vital for upskilling and improving organizational agility.

2. Content

Content, the material delivered to learners, differs between LXPs and LMSs.In LMSs, content tends to be structured into rigorous, longer-form training courses with tracked progress and assessments. L&D staff primarily create LMS content.

Contrarily, LXPs curate content from various sources, including third-party providers, enabling personalized learning experiences. Acting as content aggregators, LXPs offer a diverse range of resources, including user-generated material.

3. Enhancing Collaboration

In the realm of employee training, fostering collaboration is paramount. While traditional LMSs primarily facilitate one-way information flow, LXPs revolutionize learning dynamics. By empowering users to contribute content and engage in discussions, LXPs promote vibrant interactions among learners and administrators alike.Traditionally, LMSs operate as management systems, lacking robust collaboration features. Information dissemination is unilateral, limiting interaction between management and learners.

Conversely, LXPs champion collaboration by enabling users to share educational content, sparking lively exchanges. Employees transition from passive recipients to active contributors, enriching the learning experience.Embracing collaboration and social learning elevates engagement and bolsters knowledge retention. Participating in discussions and encountering diverse perspectives stimulates critical thinking, fostering deeper understanding of new concepts.

4. Skills Sets

In today's rapidly evolving workplace landscape, the acquisition of new skills is paramount for employee success and organizational growth.In response to the increasing demand for digital skills, organizations are leveraging Learning Management Systems (LMS) to revamp their workforce's competencies. LMS platforms offer structured training programs, enabling managers to track employee progress effectively.

Conversely, Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) provide a more personalized approach to skill development. By tailoring content to individual needs, LXPs enhance engagement and motivation. Moreover, their advanced analytics capabilities pinpoint specific skill gaps, empowering managers to address them effectively.When properly executed, LXPs can supervise the formalization of reskilling and upskilling initiatives, suggesting the most appropriate training for each worker. To guarantee employees can acquire the in-depth understanding required to master a new skill, a comprehensive upload and tagging process is frequently necessary.

5. Analytics

For HR managers, understanding analytics is crucial. It involves analyzing employee data to spot trends that can enhance their learning journey.

LMS: While LMSs help track training, LXPs offer deeper analytics. LMSs mainly track basics like completed courses and scores. Some provide extra insights like:

  • Course completion rates
  • Learner progress
  • Assessment scores
  • Compliance status

LXP: LXPs go beyond, using AI to offer personalized learning paths. They analyze:

  • Employee role and skills
  • Interaction with the platform
  • Training success rates
  • Feedback

This data tailors learning, boosts engagement, and evolves with each employee's learning preferences.

LXP vs LMS: Which platform to choose in 2024?

It is impossible to state whether an LMS or an LXP is 'better,' because each organization's situation is unique, and each form of solution has advantages and disadvantages. That is why many firms choose a hybrid learning system that combines the best of LMS and LXP capability, resulting in an engaging learner experience supported by strong reporting and administration capabilities.

Learning management systems often provide specified, linear experiences for its users: pathways, goals, and expectations are well stated, and learners and trainers understand the outcomes of completing each learning activity. 

However, with a learning experience platform, the learner is encouraged to explore their own learning, which means that each student will have a unique learning path. These content discovery platforms allow users to do exactly that: discover content. And, using AI and machine learning algorithms on LXPs, they optimize content distribution for individual users by suggesting personalized material and providing third-party resources.

Both instruments are useful in today's work environment. It is a good idea to speak with learning technology experts like Skills Caravan if you're not sure which is a better fit for your company. You and your team can decide on the best course of action by talking about your L&D needs and learning what is available.

Many organizations choose hybrid solutions because they recognize the advantages of both LMS and LXP systems. Thus, to learn more about how we might support the development of a learning culture inside your company, get in touch and book a demo of our learning software.


  • Assess your learning goals, user preferences, and budget to determine the platform that aligns with your organization's needs.
  • Consider integrating LXP and LMS to create a comprehensive learning ecosystem that caters to diverse learning requirements.


A: An LMS primarily focuses on managing and delivering structured course content, while an LXP offers a more dynamic and learner-centric approach to learning and development. Integrating the two allows organizations to supplement structured learning with personalized, engaging experiences tailored to individual learner needs.

A: Yes, LXP and LMS can work together to provide a holistic learning experience that combines engagement and administration.

A: Assess your learning goals, user preferences, and budget to determine whether an LXP or LMS aligns better with your requirements.

A: Yes, you can make the most of each platform to provide yourself a more thorough and customized learning experience by connecting the LMS and LXP.

A:In many different businesses, Learning Experience Platforms, or LXPs, can be an invaluable tool for compliance training. facilitating the employees' ability to take in and remember critical information.

A: In many different businesses, Learning Experience Platforms, or LXPs, can be an invaluable tool for compliance training. facilitating the employees' ability to take in and remember critical information.

A: LXP focuses on personalized and engaging learning experiences, allowing users to have more control over their learning paths and content. LMS is more traditional in its approach, with a focus on course management, tracking, and compliance.

A: Different degrees of analytics and reporting capabilities are available from both LXP and LMS; the secret is to know which indicators are most essential to you.

A: Both LXP and LMS have limitations and strengths when it comes to supporting mobile learning.

A: LXPs are intended to provide a more customized and interesting learning environment, emphasizing group projects and social learning.