6 Pre Boarding Strategies to Keep New Hires Engaged

June 28, 2024
Skills Caravan
Learning Experience Platform
June 28, 2024
, updated  
June 28, 2024

6 Pre Boarding Strategies to Keep New Hires Engaged

It's an exciting time for the hiring organization as well as the chosen applicant to have a new team member. However, because 43% of new hires quit their jobs within 90 days, it's critical now more than ever to establish a good first impression.

You’ve probably already heard of employee onboarding strategies, and you should be aware of the benefits they can offer your recent workers. What about pre-boarding, though?

We'll look at some of the best strategies in this piece to help your new hires succeed even before they start working at their desks.

Preboarding, which occurs between accepting a job offer and beginning work, has the power to make or ruin your experience as a new hire. If left untreated, anxiety affects eighty percent of workers as they wait to begin a new job. This anxiety persists after the start date and undermines motivation, output, and longevity.

What is Pre boarding?

Pre boarding is a procedure that takes place before to an applicant's formal start date but after they accept a job offer. In addition to introducing them to their team and fellow employees, it entails communications and activities aimed at integrating new hires into the business culture and equipping them with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in their new role.

What differentiates pre-boarding from onboarding?

The moment a new team member arrives for their first day of work and passes through the door, the onboarding process begins. To assist them in beginning to settle in is the goal. Assisting them in accepting their new role, feeling a part of the team, and getting access to the tools they'll need to be successful is part of this. Everything prior to pre-boarding is called pre-boarding.

It's the process of getting to know your new hire while they're finishing up their notice period in their current position. Notifying them via email "just to check in" and expressing your excitement for their start date? Pre-boarding is that. and it's crucial.

6 Pre boarding strategies for new employees

Pre boarding strategies for new employees
Pre boarding strategies for new employees
1. Handwrite a note to them.

A handwritten note is surprisingly effective and touching, even though it may seem outdated. While many of us find it difficult to minimize the amount of unopened emails we get, receiving a letter in the mail can be a delightful surprise.

Even a welcome email from a new hire can make them feel appreciated if this is too much work.

2. Collect opinions on the way you hired employees.

Asking for feedback on your hiring procedure helps you get top-of-mind input to make your hiring process better and signifies the change from applicant to team member.

It is impossible to overestimate the value of employee empowerment since it fosters innovation, productivity, and growth that is both personal and corporate. It's also simplest to build right away, much like the majority of other components of a strong corporate culture. By asking for feedback from your new hire during preboarding, you're setting up a line of communication, empowering them to have an impact, and priming them to feel valued—all crucial tactics to increase retention.

3. Strengthen your morals and principles.

Consider the reasons your recent hire accepted your offer and decided to apply for a position with you. It's likely that some of the response will come from their impression of your company as a fantastic place to work. Showing them that they were correct is the ideal opportunity during pre-boarding.

The interview and application process might resemble a first date in many ways. The applicant and the organization are both acting appropriately. During pre-boarding, they check to see if you've forgotten to put down the toilet seat or have (figuratively) left your socks on the floor.

You may show that you truly mean what you say by living up to your principles.

4. Assist them with administration.

When new employees are asked to finish an excessive amount of administrative work ahead of their start date, it can be a warning sign that their employer doesn't value their personal time.

No one wants to sign paperwork and create accounts all day on their first day. Allow your recent hires to get started early to set the stage for a more thrilling first day. Set clear expectations by letting them know that completing the papers ahead of time is not required, but also outlining the reasons why they would want to start as soon as possible.

However, leaving all the administrative work for the first day will make the first few days of your new hire's employment arduous and irritating.

Pre-boarding assists you in finding the ideal balance. Assure newly hired employees that you are available to assist them and provide them with the necessary information to finish administrative responsibilities before their first day of work, if that is their preference.

5. Allow them to explore your system of learning.

By the time your new employee gets to preboarding, you've most likely already introduced them to the values and culture of the business. Giving users early access to your learning platform is your chance to keep those pledges.

Being familiar with the learning platform in advance is always a good idea, since it plays a significant role in both onboarding and on-the-job training. Better yet, letting new personnel use your learning platform gives them a firsthand look at the principles of your business.

We provide collaborative learning at Skills Caravan. It is essential to both the service we provide and the way we complete tasks. We believe that watching our transparent learning platform in action is the best approach to fully comprehend our learning culture.

6. Encourage them to make introduction video.

To assist new hires feel more a part of the corporate culture and their coworkers, encourage them to make a little introductory video. To help colleagues get to know them better, a video can feature a brief introduction about the person, their background, and their interests.

Before the team officially begins, they can watch this video together, which will help them feel more human and connected to one another. In addition to making new hires feel more at ease and confident, this strategy can help them get started right away on their first day.

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Are you prepared to transform the way that learning occurs in your company? See for yourself the power of AI-powered LXP from Skills Caravan! To find out more and to see how our seamless integration solution may boost the effectiveness and engagement of your learning initiatives, book a demo now. Unlock unmatched advantages for your organization with Skills Caravan.

Pre-Boarding New Employees FAQs

Pre-Boarding New Employees FAQs

A: It varies from a week to two months, with occasional check-ins and light reading to prepare new hires.

A: New hires handle administrative tasks like tax forms and insurance paperwork via email before their first day.

A: Pre-Onboarding familiarizes new hires with their role and the organization, reducing uncertainty before their start date.

A: Preboarding occurs between offer acceptance and the first day, while pre-onboarding happens after a new hire officially starts.

A: It's crucial for gig economy businesses facing high turnover, and effective preboarding can significantly improve employee retention.

A: Preboarding is the period between when an employee accepts a job offer and their first day on the job, while onboarding occurs after the employee starts working. Preboarding focuses on engaging new hires before they officially join the company.

A: Companies can stay in touch with new hires during the pre boarding period by checking in with them periodically, sending them relevant information or resources, and being responsive to any questions or concerns they may have.

A: Preboarding demonstrates to new hires that the company is invested in their success and values their contribution from the very beginning. It sets the tone for a positive employee experience and helps to build trust and loyalty.

A: Neglecting preboarding can lead to higher turnover rates among new hires, as they may not feel engaged or connected to the company from the start. This can result in dissatisfaction and a higher likelihood of seeking other job opportunities.

A:Pairing new hires with a buddy within the company helps them feel supported and provides them with someone to turn to for questions or guidance as they acclimate to their new role and company culture.